Mia Rolfe

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Junior-level software engineer. Proficient in C++, Python, C#, Unity, Git, and Java. Adept at picking up new tools and technologies quickly on the job, and even better at sharing the things I've learned.


BA (Hons) Computer Science

Trinity College Dublin

Sep 2021 - present

I am on track to achieve a II-1 grade. During my degree I have learned about algorithms & data structures, systems programming, computer architecture, and discrete mathematics. I have also repeatedly demonstrated my communication skills through various group projects, two of which were nominated for the college's Software Engineering Project Industry Award.

Other Experience

Conference Associate

Jul 2023

I assisted conference attendees with tickets, directions, and schedules.

Apr 2024 - present

I procure sponsorship for the society, keep our members informed of our activities, and keep meetings and events organised.

Sep 2023 - Apr 2024

I maintained the society website. My other role was to organise workshops according to demand: we covered Unity/C#, C++, and Python.


Apr 2023 - Apr 2024

I ran the weekly society commitee meetings, write agendas, record minutes, and help run various society events, primarily social in nature. I also liase with other student organisations on behalf of the society.

Seasonal Sales Assistant

Oct 2023 - Dec 2023

I worked as a cashier with both traditional and self-service registers and interacted with customers constantly.


Teaching Assistant

Sep 2023 - present

I assisted a lecturer with demonstrating and working through sample questions for the introductory programming module at Trinity. The content is taught through Java. In this role I regularly explained and demonstrated programming concepts for an audience unfamiliar with the material.

Path Planning Lead

Aug 2022 - Aug 2023

I developed and delivered a colorblind pathfinding system for an autonomous car at Formula Student UK 2023. I worked in a team of over 20 students across degrees and disciplines, and worked particularly closer with 3 others on the Path Planning team.

Programming Tutor

Jan 2022 - Sep 2023

I taught over 120 students from 8 to 16 years old basic programming skills through Java, Python, and Scratch.

GIS Developer

Jun 2021 - Sep 2021

I created a web-based data visualisation tool for non-technical town planners using the ArcGIS APIs and web technologies. The tool combined various geospatial data sources to help them write planning applications and appeals. I worked closely with different town planning staff throughout the duration of the project.

Python Developer

Jun 2019 - Sep 2019

I learned Python on the job, and then used it to create an onboarding utility that interfaced with the Google Workspace APIs. This utility was well-received and I then extended and improved it for general use across the whole studio.

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